Congratulations on scheduling a preventative health visit, a vital step toward better and prolonged health!
What is the difference between preventative care and acute or ongoing care?
Ongoing or acute care involves the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of specific diseases and conditions.
Examples of ongoing or acute care include:
- Diagnosing or addressing a new condition that is identified during your physical exam, such as a UTI, yeast infection or breast mass or abnormality.
- Monitoring or treating a condition you already have, such as diabetes or pre-diabetes, which may involve refilling medications. While this can be done at a preventative health visit for your convenience, typical health plans mandate that there be a specific additional charge for these services.
- Some vaccines are routine and others are only needed for specific situations. Vaccines that are not considered routine and are only needed in certain situations. Routine vaccines are usually covered by your health plan.
- Every health plan has certain laboratory tests that it covers 100% and others that are considered non-routine and may be charged to you or as part of your deductible.
Prescription management for medication other than refill of current birth control