
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is October

All those pink ribbons, t-shirts, tennis shoes people wear during the month of October is in celebration of BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH! No one EVER wants to be diagnosed with breast cancer. And it certainly worries people… A LOT!!  But is all that &ldquo...

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Healthy Bedtime Habits

They Snack—SmarterIf you're going to have a bedtime snack, make it a kiwi. Eating two of these fruits one hour before bed for a month helped adults fall asleep 35 percent faster and sleep 13 percent longer, found a 2011 study from Taiwanese researchers. It might be...

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Reason Women Can’t Sleep

Sleep is often one of the first things to go during the transition into menopause. These solutions can help you wake up on the right side of the bed. Stick It To Those Night SweatsHot flashes keeping you up at night? You're not alone—one study found that 81 perce...

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11 Sun Mistakes You’re Probably Making

There's a lot of SPF info out there, but not all of it has sunk into our minds as well as a liquid sunscreen sinks into skin. Worse yet, much of it gets skewed when passed along, as in a game of telephone: “The SPF number indicates protection against only burn-caus...

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Endometriosis: What you need to know

What do pain, infertility, scar-tissue formation, adhesions and bowel problems have in common? They are all things that can be caused by endometriosis, a condition that affects at least 6.3 million women and girls in the United States, 1 million in Canada and millions more worldw...

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Ways to Boost Your Energy When You Haven’t Slept

Sleeping later than normal throws your body off schedule and will make it harder to fall asleep tonight, perpetuating the problem. No matter how tempting it feels to huddle under the blankets, your body won't react well to a snooze-in—and neither will your boss...

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Health Benefits of Birth Control Pills

Oral Contraceptives (Birth Control Pills) Not only are oral contraceptives an excellent form of contraception (birth control), but there are MANY additional health benefits!  Is the pill safe? Since the 1950's women have used birth control pills to preve...

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What You Need to Know About Endometriosis

By Jill CaseWhat do pain, infertility, scar tissue formation, adhesions, and bowel problems have in common? They are all things that can be caused by endometriosis, a condition that affects at least 6.3 million women and girls in the U.S., 1 million in Canada, and millions more...

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Keep your bladder healthy

DID YOU KNOW? The bladder can hold approximately 2 cups of urine before it signals that it needs to empty Normal number of trips to the bathroom per day are 6-8 times. What you eat or drink can affect the color and odor of your urine (ex: asparagus and coffee  ...

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Ideal Protein on USA Today

Researchers study weight loss to reduce breast cancer Research shows that excess weight increases the risk of recurrence and death. Fat cells are a source of estrogen, a hormone that fuels breast cancer in women after menopause. At the same time, anti-estrogen therapies can...

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