When you follow this FDA-approved, physician-supervised weight-loss program, you learn why you gain weight — and how to lose it. More importantly, we will give you the tools you need to keep the pounds off after your weight loss goal is achieved.
The 3-Phase Ideal Protein Protocol
Phase 1
Reset your body to burn fat and lose weight.
You will restrict carbohydrate intake in this phase to optimize fat loss through ketosis (a safe, natural state in which your body utilizes stored fat as an energy source). Phase 1 lasts until you have reached your weight loss goal.
Phase 2
Reset your mind to maintain a healthy weight and habits.
After your weight loss, the body will fight to regain lost weight. This “energy gap”, where more calories are desired than required, makes it difficult to maintain weight loss. This stabilization phase will help you adjust the intake of protein/fat/carbs to effectively manage hunger, make you feel satisfied, and maintain weight loss. Weekly follow-up sessions over the course of two+ months will help you monitor carbohydrate re-introduction and track weight.
Phase 3
Reset your possibilites to live your best life yet.
For 12 months after your weight is stabilized, you will continue to receive coaching and education from your coach, Kelly Zimbelman, and the team at Modern Women’s Health. Regular check-ins with your coach during this period will help you stay on track. While in this phase, two semi-annual tune-ups are strongly encouraged.