Reset Your Body. Your Mind. Your Possibilites.

Our Ideal Protein Coach, Kelli Zimbelman, has helped over 2,000 people on their Ideal Protein weight loss journey. She strongly emphasizes education and understanding.

Modern Women's Health Gynecology & Aesthetics

The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method

Ideal Protein is a medically developed weight loss program with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Its key components are weight loss and a healthier lifestyle education to help you maintain your results after dieting. As an Ideal Protein client, you’ll receive one-on-one medically supervised support. 

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What to Expect

Based on the experiences of over 3,000 clinics worldwide, the Ideal Protein Protocol enables the following:

  • Structured weight loss while supporting muscle mass
  • An understanding of how food affects and is utilized by the body, including what causes fat storage
  • Weekly one-on-one coaching, lifestyle education, and guidance
  • Personalized approach to setting weight loss goals, based on your health profile
  • Losing weight can improve blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and reduce blood pressure

The 3-Phase Ideal Protein Protocol

Phase 1

Reset your body to burn fat and lose weight.

You will restrict carbohydrate intake in this phase to optimize fat loss through ketosis (a safe, natural state in which your body utilizes stored fat as an energy source). Phase 1 lasts until you have reached your weight loss goal.

Phase 2

Reset your mind to maintain a healthy weight and habits.

After your weight loss, the body will fight to regain lost weight. This “energy gap”, where more calories are desired than required, makes it difficult to maintain weight loss. This stabilization phase will help you adjust the intake of protein/fat/carbs to effectively manage hunger, make you feel satisfied, and maintain weight loss. Weekly follow-up sessions over the course of two+ months will help you monitor carbohydrate re-introduction and track weight.

Phase 3

Reset your possibilites to live your best life yet.

For 12 months after your weight is stabilized, you will continue to receive coaching and education from your coach, Kelly Zimbelman, and the team at Modern Women’s Health. Regular check-ins with your coach during this period will help you stay on track. While in this phase, two semi-annual tune-ups are strongly encouraged.

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Smarter Eating, Improved Lifestyle Changes

Ideal Protein’s unmatched variety of instant, easy-to-prepare, and ready-to-serve products are skillfully developed to exact flavor and texture. Our medically developed diet program focuses on weight loss, followed by a smarter eating education to support better lifestyle changes.

Furthermore, Ideal Protein uses only the highest quality protein products in our line of gourmet weight loss products, because not all protein sources are created equal.

How do we encourage the body to burn its fat reserves, but support its muscle mass reserves if both are depleted simultaneously? First, Ideal Protein foods are made with high-quality protein.

The quality of protein used in Ideal Protein diet products has an impact on effective protein absorption: the lower the quality, the lower the absorption. If protein absorption is low, you may not be able to protect your muscle mass and thus you will burn muscle along with fat. If you lose muscle while dieting, you may impair your ability to burn calories post-diet, as your body uses muscle mass to burn calories.

Secondly, our dieters use our nutrient-rich supplements such as Natura Multi-Vita, Natura Calcium & Magnesium, Natura Potassium, and Natura Omega-3 Plus — all key ingredients in muscle building and electrolytes. These supplements replace those normally found in foods restricted on the Ideal Protein protocol.

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Kelly is a wonderful ambassador to the Ideal Protein program, and such a supportive and accessible person. She has helped me manage through the key end-of-year holidays (Thanksgiving/Christmas), through multiple trips and vacations, and has just been a bright spot through this whole process. 

Ideal Protein Client

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Understanding Insulin

Understanding the cause of weight gain will help you conquer it. According to Dr. Tran Tien, the developer of the Ideal Protein diet:

“The cause of many weight issues in modern society is insulin dysfunction. A diet grossly disproportionate in its share of saturated fats and sugars, such as in breads, cereals, muffins, cakes, pastries, pasta, pizza, rice, corn — very much like the North American diet — causes the pancreas to produce an overabundance of insulin, which stays in the system and puts the blood sugar level in a negative balance.”

An overproduction of insulin may lead to hypoglycemia or low glycemia, which in turn may induce constant sugar cravings and weight gain. One of insulin’s primary functions is to regulate blood sugar levels; however, it is also the hormone that facilitates the transport of fat (triglycerides) into the fat cells. Even worse, it “locks” the fat into the fat cell, preventing it from being used as a source of energy. Now, because the blood sugar has dropped and we can’t access the fat as a fuel source, it creates sugar cravings…and the vicious cycle begins again. In other words, an overabundance of insulin can cause weight gain.

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Living Off the Body’s Fat Reserves

Learning to live off of the body’s own fat reserves. The body employs energy from three reserves: glycogen (carbohydrate), protein, and fats. First, the body depletes its simple and complex carbohydrate reserves and then turns simultaneously to its protein and fat reserves for energy. A person not in need of weight loss typically has approximately 1-2% of their body’s reserves from carbs, approximately 19% from their muscle mass, and 79% of their body reserves from fat. Simple and complex carbohydrates can prevent weight loss.

The body stores approximately three days’ worth of carbohydrates; therefore, our protocol restricts sugars (simple and complex) until 100% of your weight loss goal is achieved. Why? Because as long as sugar is being consumed, your body may not be burning fat. Remember, the first source of energy is derived from glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves. Therefore, the core principle of the Ideal Protein Protocol is to deplete the glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves completely in order to compel the body into consuming its fat reserve to burn calories.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re interested in discovering more about Ideal Protein, contact us today to get on the path to well-balanced eating and a healthy lifestyle.

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